The Netswitch distribution archive contains three items:
- This file
- The MacTCP Netswitch 2.0 control panel
- The Netswitch 2.0 guide, formatted in Microsoft Word.
If you've used earlier versions of Netswitch, you should read the section on updating in the user's guide. If you don't read that section, be aware of at least three important changes.
1. Netswitch's MacTCP prep files no longer have "MacTCP Prep-" prepended to them. By default, there's no longer any prefix.
2. All Netswitch's files are stored in the Netswitch folder in your Preferences folder. This includes the new Netswitch prefs file, and the prep files folder.
3. The Netswitch control panel MUST load before MacTCP. It's distributed with a space as the first character in its filename for this purpose. If you rename it, be sure that it still loads before MacTCP.
Where to go for information
I'm in the process of setting up a web page from which you can download the latest version of Netswitch and its accompanying documentation (provided in PostScript form). The URL is
As of this writing (3 January 1995), all of it is under construction. You're welcome to access the page, but there may not be anything that you can download.
Legal stuff: read this before using
MacTCP Netswitch is free and may be distributed without charge, with the following restrictions:
(1) You may not distribute any altered copy of this software to any user outside of your site without prior permission from the University of Notre Dame;
(2) The software may not be distributed without a copy of this document on either physical or electronic media (printed copy or disk);
(3) The software may not be distributed as part of any commercial software package without prior permission from the University of Notre Dame;
(4) No fee may be charged for distributing this software except for reasonable duplication costs.
(5) Non-profit educational institutions may disregard (2) when distributing this software internally to their own users; any copy of Netswitch that is made available to others outside of the institution, however (for anonymous ftp from other sites, for example) must be unaltered and must include this document.
This software is provided “as is” and without warranty of any kind. The University of Notre Dame does not warrant, guarantee or make any representation regarding the use, or the results of the use, of this software. In no event shall the University of Notre Dame be liable for any damages resulting from the use or performance of the software.
MacTCP Netswitch is written by David Walton, and is copyright (c) 1994-1995, University of Notre Dame, Office of University Computing. You may reach the author by electronic mail at The author does not promise any form of technical support, but will attempt to fix any bugs that are reported and confirmed, as time permits.